I got to work at the Bluebonnet Airshow on the 10th because the Civil Air Patrol helps out the Commemorative Air Force. It was a very exiting day. For the most part some other cadets and I helped make sure the crowd stayed behind the line all day, while watching the planes. My most favorite part of the airshow was either the Extra 300 aerobatic performance of the A-10 West Coast Demo Team. Here is a little history of both:

The Extra 300 was designed in 1987 by Walter Extra. It was built out of welded steel tubes for the framework and covered with fiberglass and cloth. It was built extremely light for optimum aerobatic performance. During the airshow, it performed amazing aerobatic maneuvers, including a square loop and a tail slide.

The A-10 was designed in the early 70's by Fairchild Republic. It was designed for Close Air Support (CAS), by shooting at tanks, armored vehicles and other unlucky ground targets. It has excellent Aerobatic capabilities at low speeds. It was designed with special "skin" that can survive direct hits up to 23mm. It was built around the GAU-8 Avenger, a heavy automatic cannon that can fire 4,200 rounds a minute using 30mm rounds. The pyrotechnics were amazing!
I had fun and learned a lot. I hope to come back next year!