Jules Verne (8 February 1828 – 24 March 1905) was a famous author.He wrote famous adventure stories, some of which you probably have heard before.To name a couple there is "Journey to the center of the earth" and "2000 leagues under the sea" The books inspired many famous rocket scientists, such as Robert Goddard and Homer Hickam. Two of his most influential books were a two- part series called “From the earth to the moon” and “Around the Moon”. The story consists of a crew of three members, who were shot to the moon via a giant cannon. The capsule they rode in looked like a giant bullet and was named the “Columbiad”. It is interesting to note that he was the first to write about zero gravity, though they experienced it for a few minutes while they were between gravitational pull of the moon and the earth. Jules Verne lived in a time period wher the idea of sending a man to the moon was preposterous. But Jules Verne believed in the impossible. As he said in "From the earth to the moon": "It has often been asserted that the word "impossible" is not a French one. People have evidently been deceived by the dictionary."
Sincerely, Space Cadet
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