In 2010 President Barack Obama announced new goals for the American Space Program. These change how we, as Americans, will dominate space, and also where our money goes. Some of these new goals will improve the space program, whereas others may be have a devastating effect on the American Space Program.
One of the most controversial changes to the space program was the cancellation of the Constellation program (CxP). According to three Apollo Astronauts,Neil Armstrong, James Lovell and Eugene Cernan, this “decision to cancel the Constellation program, its Ares 1 and Ares V rockets, and the Orion spacecraft, is devastating.”1 The constellation program was designed to keep an American foothold in the frontier of space, to return to the moon and possibly mars. However, President Obama said the program is "behind schedule, and lacking in innovation"2. The cancellation of the CxP has a lot of political implications because we have to rely on the International Space Station (ISS). The ISS is a result of international partnership with other nations, particularly Russia. According to the agreement we made with the Soviet Nation we have to pay a fee to Russia for the seat in space.
Not all changes to the space program are negative. One positive change will be the use of private industry for crew and cargo services to the International Space Station. In 2004 Astronaut Mike Melville successfully flew Space Ship one into space. Not only did he win the X-prize, but launched a new age of space travel- Private Investors. Companies such as Space-X are now entering the field of space. Now, with access to the ISS, Private Companies are taking another step into this frontier. I believe this is a positive investment. Through these companies America may still keep their name in Space.
The President is also putting a new focus onto Green Aviation. NASA researchers have recently, as of September 21st, resumed working on the X-48b. This has a Blended wing body designed specifically for that purpose. The Blended Wing Body is a plane design, where the entire plane is a lifting surface. This design is less noisy and more fuel efficient than it's predecessor, the tube design. This plane is controlled by a pilot on the ground, via cameras in the front, The design will be integrated into future airliners.
Also included in the new plan is a new focus on robotic space exploration. This program will send a series of robotic missions to explore the solar system. These robots will pave the way for future manned spaceflight. However, with the cancellation of the CxP, it will take much longer, and will take more money, to get us on other planets.
NASA will be putting a new focus on education, through the STEM Program. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Through STEM, NASA will educate students of all ages, and teachers. Some of these students may become NASA's future, working to keep the American Space Program alive.
The new changes to NASA's goals will change the future of the american space program. Some changes are positive. Our Nation will have “quieter, cleaner, and more fuel-efficient airplanes for the future.”3 because of new technology being developed. Students are being educated through STEM to help keep our space program alive. Private Space companies will keep us in space. However some changes are for the worse, such as the cancellation of the Constellation Program. This “devastating” blow to NASA will be a backwards step in our foothold in the space frontier.
1 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/36470363
2 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/8489097.stm
3 http://www.nasa.gov/centers/dryden/status_reports/X-48B_status_09_21_10.html
sincerely, space cadet
One of the most controversial changes to the space program was the cancellation of the Constellation program (CxP). According to three Apollo Astronauts,Neil Armstrong, James Lovell and Eugene Cernan, this “decision to cancel the Constellation program, its Ares 1 and Ares V rockets, and the Orion spacecraft, is devastating.”1 The constellation program was designed to keep an American foothold in the frontier of space, to return to the moon and possibly mars. However, President Obama said the program is "behind schedule, and lacking in innovation"2. The cancellation of the CxP has a lot of political implications because we have to rely on the International Space Station (ISS). The ISS is a result of international partnership with other nations, particularly Russia. According to the agreement we made with the Soviet Nation we have to pay a fee to Russia for the seat in space.
Not all changes to the space program are negative. One positive change will be the use of private industry for crew and cargo services to the International Space Station. In 2004 Astronaut Mike Melville successfully flew Space Ship one into space. Not only did he win the X-prize, but launched a new age of space travel- Private Investors. Companies such as Space-X are now entering the field of space. Now, with access to the ISS, Private Companies are taking another step into this frontier. I believe this is a positive investment. Through these companies America may still keep their name in Space.
The President is also putting a new focus onto Green Aviation. NASA researchers have recently, as of September 21st, resumed working on the X-48b. This has a Blended wing body designed specifically for that purpose. The Blended Wing Body is a plane design, where the entire plane is a lifting surface. This design is less noisy and more fuel efficient than it's predecessor, the tube design. This plane is controlled by a pilot on the ground, via cameras in the front, The design will be integrated into future airliners.
Also included in the new plan is a new focus on robotic space exploration. This program will send a series of robotic missions to explore the solar system. These robots will pave the way for future manned spaceflight. However, with the cancellation of the CxP, it will take much longer, and will take more money, to get us on other planets.
NASA will be putting a new focus on education, through the STEM Program. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Through STEM, NASA will educate students of all ages, and teachers. Some of these students may become NASA's future, working to keep the American Space Program alive.
The new changes to NASA's goals will change the future of the american space program. Some changes are positive. Our Nation will have “quieter, cleaner, and more fuel-efficient airplanes for the future.”3 because of new technology being developed. Students are being educated through STEM to help keep our space program alive. Private Space companies will keep us in space. However some changes are for the worse, such as the cancellation of the Constellation Program. This “devastating” blow to NASA will be a backwards step in our foothold in the space frontier.
1 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/36470363
2 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/8489097.stm
3 http://www.nasa.gov/centers/dryden/status_reports/X-48B_status_09_21_10.html
sincerely, space cadet
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