Sunday, May 15, 2011

Newton and Einstein- Gravity

     In 1916, Einstein published his theory of General Relativity, radically changing the way we view gravity. Over 200 years earlier, Newton published his "law of universal gravitation" in Principia Mathematica. Newton's view of gravity held that gravity was a force. This force is the attraction of mass to mass, the larger mass having a stronger pull on the smaller mass, and the smaller mass pulled upon the larger with less force. To this day Newton's gravitational equation is used to approximate a given object's weight upon a given planet.

 However, Einstein saw gravity in a different light. He supposed that mass could bend the fabric of space-time, much like a bowling ball on a trampoline. A smaller mass, like a planet, would simply follow the geodesic curve in an acceleration percieved as a force.
Since 1916, Einstein's theory has been shown to be accurate over the years, as certain  points are proven, such as the GP-B probe and the proof that gravity acts at the speed of light. His theory also covers other important points (such as Gravitational lensing) to be mentioned in a later post.
Space Cadet

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